Movie Theater Etiquette!

I love going to the movie theater! I see at least one film per week on the big screen and enjoy sharing the experience with my wife and the audience. That being said though, I am careful to be respectful of others. This isn't our living rooms and we all need to keep that in mind when attending any event! The reason why I'm discussing this is because of an article I came across. Click here to read it!

I agree with this list but I was surprised that talking was so low on the list! So I made a list of my own and the things I do to make sure I make the theater going experience good for me and everyone else!

1. BE QUIET OR SHUT UP! When my wife & I attend a screening we make sure we're silent! I even try to be quiet during the previews. By the way, when I'm eating, I graze so as I'm not eating fast. No one likes a LOUD eater!

2. NO CELL PHONES! I always have my phone on silent & keep it in my pocket. Hey if you're phone is constantly vibrating, exit the auditorium and take the call or text in the lobby! Common sense 101!

3. STAY SEATED! I always use the bathroom before I sit and enjoy the movie! Typically we sit in the middle of the row which means getting up for whatever reason is a distraction. I stay seated until the end unless I absolutely have to get up and exit! I expect the same respect from others. Very annoying when people are constantly having to get up for whatever reason! This is brought up in the article under the "arrive on time" section, which I agree. Coming in during previews is OK, but when the picture starts, it's annoying having to move around for people who arrive late. 

4. LEAVE THE BABY AT HOME! Unless it's a baby friendly screening, leave your baby or toddler at home. Having a baby or toddler holler, make noise or running around the auditorium randomly is annoying and disrespectful. If you can't find a sitter, then stay home! I was at a screening of "The Departed" years ago and this couple literally brought their baby in a carriage with them!!! Luckily after the baby saw Jack Nicholson's first close-up, the baby cried and screamed which caused them all to leave! 

5. CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF! The article mentions this and I agree 100%! It only take a minute at most to clean up your garbage! My parents always said: "If you make a mess, CLEAN IT UP"!

6. LEAVE YOUR SHOES ON! This is common sense (which seems uncommon). If you need to take your shoes off, then make sure you have no one next to you!

7. SIT IN YOUR ASSIGNED SEAT! I've been guilty of this too. It's annoying, especially when you pay for a seat that you want. If someone else bought the seat you wanted, touch luck! Also, if the audience is nearly empty, don't choose to sit next to me! Choose another seat away from me! Again, I wouldn't do that to anyone, so I expect not to have someone do that to me!

8. DON'T FIGHT WITH RUDE PEOPLE! The article also brings this one up! It's tempting to yell at someone for constantly talking, being on their phones and making noise, especially after politely telling them to be quiet. You could end up making the situation worse and disrupt other people's experience as well. You don't want to stoop to their level. As bad as it may be, you may have to move or ask for a refund. I've rarely seen theater staff kick someone out unfortunately! 

9. DON'T BLOCK MY VIEW! If you're a tall person, again common sense, don't sit directly in front of someone. If it's a sold out show, that's impossible but 9 times out of 10, you can move so you're not blocking someone else's view!

Remember, the movie theater is not your living room! If you already think this way, attending a theater is easy and you won't have to think about these things. If you have the mind-set: "I Don't Care" or "I'll do what I want", then you should stay home!!! Let's all go to the movies together, respect one another & have a great time!


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