Chad O'Hara

First off, Thank YOU for listening and your time to read this…I feel a BIO is a lil awkward to write about myself but here we are (and if there is ever something you would like to know just shoot me an e-mail). I love Mac N Cheese…mmm…cheese, see I am easily distracted. My family is my rock, my dog is my best friend and I love being outside and active as much as I can (actually wrote this outside with Cennedy…that’s my dog). I enjoy the Adirondacks-North Country so much and have always LOVED music! I started in Radio on my Bday…27 years ago (so thanks for putting up with me LOL) and have appreciated the journey of meeting so many of you, organizations, clients and especially charities. Alright, now some things maybe you didn’t know about me but now you will:
Graduated with a huge class of 29 kids back in 1991 at Gilboa-Conesville Central High School (Best School By A Dam Site)
Can touch my nose with my tongue
Was in the movie “A Time To Die” (which went straight to video/rental back in the early 90’s (I was the first FBI agent to die)
Gave myself the Heimlich twice…once at a BBQ and another at Carraba’s
Drew the Grand Gorge Bicentennial Logo at the age of 12 yrs old…wanted to be an architect but here me is in radio
Scored 12 points against the Harlem Globetrotters & scored 4 points as a Harlem Globetrotter…two separate games
Almost taught Matt Dillion how to snowboard…long story, but he was hungover and couldn’t make it
Wanna know more…just hang out with me each weekday afternoon starting at 3~

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